St. Maximilian Kolbe

Saint and Martyr of the Immaculate

1894 – 1941

St Maximilian Kolbe Writing

Writings by Saint Maximilian

Read and study a selection of articles, conferences and letters written by “Our Lady’s fool”.
Maximilian Kolbe Face

Articles about St. Maximilian

Quality articles analyzing the life and spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe, helping us to live his ideal today.
St. Maximilian Kolbe Biography


Read a short, concise and beautiful biography explaining the life and spirituality of Saint Maximilian Kolbe.
Maximilian Kolbe Face

Articles about St. Maximilian

Quality articles analyzing the life and spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe, helping us to live his ideal today.
St Maximilian Kolbe Marian Consecration

Marian Consecration

Learn the method of unlimited consecration to the Immaculate according to Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe.
St. Maximilian Kolbe Biography

Biography of St. Maximilian

Read a short, concise and beautiful biography explaining the life and spirituality of Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

The Era of the Immaculate

For St. Maximilian, the Immaculate Conception is a mystery not simply to be believed, but also lived by all the faithful. He strove, therefore, at all times and in every way to advance the cause of the Immaculate, introducing her into all hearts, “so that she may...

The Immaculate: Mediatrix of Divine Love

Our Heavenly Father is the first principle and ultimate end of all. Human language and the intelligence of man, in an altogether inadequate fashion, endeavor to think and to talk of God by borrowing concepts from the environment that surrounds them. These concepts are...

“A Global Form of Catholic Life”

The purpose of creation, the purpose of man is the love of God, the Creator and the Father; an ever greater love, divinization, return to God from whom he came, union with God, a fruitful love. So that the love toward the Father could become even more perfect,...

The Immaculate: Mother and Teacher

When you start to read something on the Immaculate, do not forget that at that moment you are coming into contact with a living being, who loves you, who is pure, without any stain. Also, remember that the words you see are unable to express who she is, because they...

“Deign to Tell Me Who You Are”

O Immaculate, Queen of Heaven and earth, I know I am unworthy to approach you, to fall on my knees before you with my face to the ground, but because I love you so much, I dare beg you to be good enough to deign to tell me who you are. For I wish to know you more and...

Book Catalog

Browse through our selection of books on the life and spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe.

Video Gallery

Watch homilies on St. Maximilian Kolbe and the interview with a man who lived with our Saint.

Photo Gallery

Browse through a collection of some of the rarest high quality photos of Saint Maximilian Kolbe.

Consecration to the Immaculate

According to the method of Saint Maximilian Kolbe

“We may give ourselves to the Immaculate in various ways, and such self-oblation may be formulated in different words. In fact all that is required is even just an inner act of the will, for therein is contained the essence of our self- oblation to the Immaculate. For greater ease, however, there is a brief formula that contains the spirit of the Militia of the Immaculate…”

– St. Maximilian Kolbe (SK 1331)

About Saint Maximilian Kolbe

“My children, love the Immaculate! Love Her and She will make you happy! Love Her and trust in Her without limits.”

Declared “The Patron Saint of Our Difficult Century” by Pope St. John Paul II, the Franciscans of the Immaculate have put together this small website for him who is truly the most faithful follower of our Holy Father St. Francis of Assisi. St. Maximilian Kolbe lived a life of heroic virtue doing battle with the enemies of the Church under the command of the Queen of the Universe, the Blessed Virgin Mary. He had “one freely chosen and beloved, fixed ideal … the Immaculate”, and would remind his spiritual children that only “for Her let us live, toil, suffer, and long to die.”

Saint Maximilian Kolbe lived a life in total union with the Immaculate Virgin, because he knew (and preached), that only “In the womb of the Immaculate the soul is reborn according to the likeness of Jesus Christ.” And that is what Maximilian Kolbe truly was… another Christ, in life and in death.

In this small website dedicated to St. Maximilian we hope to briefly outline the life he lived in total consecration to, and in union with, the Immaculate Virgin. A life which ultimately lead to the giving of his life for that of another, in perfect imitation of our Divine Savior.

Our Ideal...

by St. Maximilian Kolbe

“Our aim, our ideal, is to draw everybody close to Mary Immaculate, to become more like her, to let her rule our hearts and our whole being, to let her live and operate in us and by means of us, to let her love God with our hearts so that we belong to her entirely, without holding back. This is our ideal and aim.
Yes, our ideal and our aim is to radiate Mary Immaculate in our environment, to draw souls to her, so that the hearts of our acquaintances may become open to her influence and thatshe may rule in the hearts of all, everywhere, regardless of race, nationality, or tongue, even in the hearts of all men of every generation until the end of the world.
Our objective also is to see Mary Immaculate’s life become always more deeply rooted in us from day to day, from hour to hour, from moment to moment, and that there be no limit in this.
It is our ideal and aim that her life develop in the souls of all men alike who live now and who will live in every future age.”

Do you feel called to live a religious life of unlimited concentration to the Immaculate in the spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe?

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