
On the Life and Spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe

Preparation for Total Consecration to the Immaculate according to St Maximilian M. Kolbe

This booklet is written as a day-by-day guide to arrive at a very specific goal: your total consecration to the Immaculate. It was written as much as possible in the words and spirit of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe himself, as well as of other saints and holy persons who wrote about Our Lady and whose spirituality the saint recognized as his own. Why do you need a daily guide to reach this goal? You know that at every period of its history, our world moves at a certain pace. In our times, it is a fast pace — so fast a pace that, in keeping up with it, you might be struggling to not forget your soul, its salvation and its sanctification. Hopefully, this little day-by-day guide will motivate you and help you to find time every day for your soul, even in the midst of the busyness of a fast-paced life like yours.

Beloved Disciple: Living Out Your Marian Consecration Daily

This is not another booklet on preparation for consecration to Mary. There are plenty of those out there. The purpose of this booklet is to try to answer the crucial question: I’ve made my act of consecration to Mary—now what?
Lack of progress in consecration to Mary is not necessarily because of lack of desire, but of lack of guidance on how to live it out. Now what? This booklet discusses three powerful practices you can concretely implement in your daily life to help take your relationship with the Blessed Mother to the next level: from act of consecration to life of union with Mary.

Father Kolbe in Nagasaki

Father Kolbe in NagasakiCome to know about the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe in Japan and his love for Our Lady!

In 1930, he founded a friary in Nagasaki (still active) amid seemingly impossible challenges and hardships with the help of the Immaculata. This book was written by a Japanese Franciscan Conventual Friar, Brother Ozaki, who, in 1945, entered the same friary founded by St. Maximilian – just two months after Nagasaki was blasted by the atomic bomb. Brother Ozaki resided with the friars who personally knew and lived with St. Maximilian and who highly admired the saint’s heroic act of martyrdom for a fellow prisoner. This engaging book tells of these friars’ endearing experiences and memories of St. Maximilian during those six years – sure to stir interest not only in this heroic saint – but also Our Lady.

The Writings of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe

In his relatively short, but very fruitful life, St. Maximilian Kolbe left behind an impressive body of writings. In the 1950s the English-speaking world first began reading bits and pieces of those writings translated from the original Polish, Italian and Latin. Now, at long last, devotees and scholars alike can find the entire wide-ranging array of those writings collected together in a two-volume compendium, published by Nerbini International.


Kolbe, Saint of the Immaculata

Kolbe, Saint Of The Immaculate BookA compendium of inspiring articles on the multidimensional aspects of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, the saint of the modern times.

Is it true, as reported in a PBS documentary, that the Saint was anti-Semitic? What is the reason behind misrepresenting this great modern day Saint? Is a famous Mariologist right in accusing the Saint of being in error by holding that Mary is the Mediatrix of all Graces? The book has over 35 chapters by over ten authors, giving an in-depth view of one of the greatest Marian Saints of all times.

For the Life of the World

For The Life Of The World BookAn inspiring book on the Eucharistic devotion of the saint of our difficult age, St. Maximilian. Written by a Polish Franciscan Conventual who have had access to Kolbe’s archives in Poland. The former international director of the Knights of the Immaculata, and Guardian of the City of the Immaculate in Poland, examines St. Maximilian’s Eucharistic, spiritual life as a priest and adorer of the Eucharist, all in the context of his love of the Immaculate. Fr. Domanski, who is the foremost authority on the life and writings of St. Maximilian, answers those who would accuse St. Maximilian of over-doing devotion to Mary at the expense of devotion to Jesus.

St. Maximilian Kolbe: Martyr of Charity – Pneumatolgist

St. Maximilian Kolbe: Martyr of Charity - Pneumatolgist BookAn interesting and unique volume dedicated to the exposition of St. Maximilian Kolbe’s thought on the Holy Spirit written by a Kolbe expert, Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner.

A scholarly study of St. Maximilian’s teaching on the Holy Spirit and Our Lady, focus of contemporary criticism of the Saint and of his Marian program of life and thought, both by conservatives as well as by liberals. The author, being a prominent Kolbe scholar, shows how Kolbe’s perspectives are in full continuity with those of St. Francis and the great Franciscan doctors. Thoroughly documented with extensive bibliography.

Roman Conferences of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe

Roman Conferences of St. Maximilian Kolbe BookA translation of the conferences given by St. Maximilian to the friars when he was in Rome. This little gem contains some of the key themes of the saint’s Mariology.

Many are the themes touched upon by St. Maximilian Kolbe in this book: Marian mediation, concept of the will, person of the Immaculate and her bearing on the thesis of the absolute primacy of Christ and her relation to each of the three divine persons. This is a translation for the first time in English language by a renowned Kolbe scholar.

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