by Br. Anthony Josemaria F.T.I. | Articles
If the focus of the “First Page” of salvation history—to borrow the terminology of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe—culminated in the solemn definition of the truth of the Immaculate Conception, the “Second Page” is none other than an incorporation of this truth into the lives...
by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger F.I. | Articles
In 1924, St. Maximilian Kolbe wrote an article entitled “Our Tactics” for his magazine. His purpose was to outline and explain the essential means necessary to succeed in the spiritual life. His premise was that even though in the spiritual life we are not engaged in...
by Fr. Stefano Manelli F.I. | Articles
“I am a Catholic priest.” With this statement, we have in just a few words the “ID card” of St. Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan priest martyred at Auschwitz August 14, 1941, seventy years ago. When the fierce Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, in reprisal for the escape...
by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger F.I. | Articles
Right thinking on matters of the Faith—orthodoxy— leads us to right practice—orthopraxis—and through right practice taking form in solidly Catholic spirituality and moral action, we learn to walk in the perfection of Christian virtue and to become saints.[1] St....
by Fr. Matthias M. Sasko F.I. | Articles, Writings
Letter of St. Maximilian: From aboard a train Introduction By Fr. Matthias M. Sasko, F.I. It is well-known that, during his lifetime, St. Maximilian founded two flourishing Cities of the Immaculate: Niepokalanów in Poland, and Mugenzai no Sono in Japan. Less known is...