by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger F.I. | Articles
As we explained in the previous article, St. Maximilian compared and contrasted great men of the world with the saints of God. While both groups of men were “high achievers,” their motives and their attitudes toward adversity were much different. Worldly glory fades...
by Fr. Matthias M. Sasko F.I. | Articles, Writings
Letter from St. Maximilian Kolbe to Br. Julius Maria Mugenzai no Sono, 2/4/1935 Dear Brother Julius, May the Immaculate reward you for your wishing me graces, and assimilation to Her; to breathe her, and to live eternally according to her spirit; and of much toil and...
by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger F.I. | Articles
St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe wrote about the saints and sanctity quite often. His first rule of life was “I must become a saint, and a great saint.” And, of course he did become a great saint. To read now what his aspiring and growing saint had to say about holiness is...
by Fr. Matthias M. Sasko F.I. | Articles, Writings
Conference of St. Maximilian Kolbe: September 26, 1937 1. Sometimes we think to ourselves, or it might be that it is someone else who suggests such a thought, that here our devotion to Our Lady is too much. There are some who have said that this matter needs to be...
by Jonathan Fleischmann | Articles
“Who are you, O Immaculate Conception?” asks St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe. The Knight of the Immaculata goes on: Not God, for God has no beginning. Not Adam, made from the dust of the earth. Not Eve, drawn from Adam’s body. Nor is she the Incarnate Word...